Our Commitment to Privacy

Prime Personnel Resources, Inc. (“Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This General Privacy Policy describes our privacy practices in relation to the information we collect from you when you visit our website or when you access or use any applications or features made available by us on or through, or in connection with, this website or our services that link to this General Privacy Policy.

We respect the privacy rights of our clients, employees, applicants, associates, and those we conduct business with. Any information provided to our company will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used or shared in ways for which you have specifically consented.

Personal Information We Collect

When you browse or visit our website, we collect information about you, including personal information. This personal information relates to information that identifies or relates to you such as name, address, email, phone, fax, and billing information. To tailor our subsequent communications to you, and continuously improve our services, we may also ask you to voluntarily provide us with information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experience with our services, and contact preferences. By voluntarily providing us with your information, you agree to these terms with the full knowledge that we protect your information, and never sell, distribute, barter, or otherwise, give out your personal information to a third party. We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. The following identifies the categories of personal information we collect directly from you (or about you) and how we collect such data:

  • Online forms and accounts: When you complete an online form, application, or an account on our website, we may collect information such as your name, email address, telephone number, physical address, and online user account details. We may also collect information pertaining to your professional qualifications, including your educational and professional background and salary.
  • Communications with us online: We will collect any personal information you provide to us when you use contact forms. Providing us this information via our contact forms is not required; however, please note that any mandatory fields are there because we have determined that we need this information to comply with or respond to your request, or to improve your future experiences with us and our website. If you contact us, we will keep a record of that correspondence in accordance with our established retention protocol.
  • Marketing: We may collect information for marketing purposes, including information on how you respond to email, SMS, phone, and other marketing campaigns, as well as feedback you provide about us and our services through satisfaction surveys. Messaging and data rates may apply for any SMS, MMS, and other electronic communications (typically, this is based on your carrier and service plan).
  • Your company’s staffing needs: If you are interested in partnering with us for your staffing needs, we may collect personal information and other information about you in connection with your company’s employment needs, including without limitation, identifiers such as your name, email address, telephone number, as well as your company name, job title, job function, job level, industry, staffing or employment challenges, current recruitment model, your location, staffing needs, and size of opportunity.
  • Social media, online forms, blogs, message boards: We may collect personal information and other information about you when you choose to interact with us through social media platforms on which we are active. In addition, we also may collect the personal information you make available on your public social network profiles and on other public location, including, without limitation, on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or other company websites and/or job boards. The personal information we collect in this manner may include identifiers such as your name, contact information, education and qualifications, skill sets, and any other information you make available on social media platforms and other public locations.
  • Career opportunities: If you apply for a career opportunity with or through us, we may collect personal information and other information from you, which may include identifiers such as your contact information (name, physical address, telephone number, email address), and education and qualifications.

The Way We Use Information

We collect and use the information we collect from or about you, including your identifiers, education and qualifications, correspondence and feedback, social media information, for the following business purposes:

  • To better understand your needs and provide you with better service.
  • To communicate back to you, to help you complete a transaction, update you on services and benefits, and personalize our website for you.
  • To assist with periodic market research or to provide you with information about other services from us that we think would be of interest to you.
  • To provide you, our clients, and prospective clients, and our candidates and prospective candidates with our services.
  • To best tailor content and resources according to your preferences.
  • To respond to your requests or questions when you contact us.
  • To help us create, publish, and improve content most relevant to you.
  • To ensure that the content provided through our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and your device.
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features or our website, when you choose to do so.
  • To further develop and improve our website and systems to better serve you.
  • Where necessary, to comply with any legal obligation.
  • We may also use your information in: investigating or responding to incidents or complaints, complying with investigations carried out by the police, government, or regulators.
  • To send you direct messaging or marketing via email, text message, and/or other communication means. You may opt-out of receiving future messaging or marketing communications at any time by emailing us using the information listed in our contact section at the bottom or the website or on our Contact Us tab.
  • To send to you other information – such as company upcoming events or newsletters – that may be of interest to you.
  • To transfer data to third parties (see the Sharing Information section below).

We never use or share the personal information you provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

Do You Have to Give Us Your Personal Information?

You do not have to provide your personal information to us when generally navigating our website. However, if you do not provide us with a required minimum, it may limit the services you can receive from us.

How Long Do You Keep My Personal Information?

We retain your personal information as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this General Privacy Policy in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Sharing with third parties

To facilitate our efficient use of your information and Personal Information, and to provide you with content and/or resources, to fulfil a request you make of us, or to otherwise provide our services, we disclose your information, including Personal Information identified in the “Personal Information we may collect from you in using this Website” section above, to the following third parties:

  • To our suppliers: We engage suppliers to carry out administrative and operational work in support of our relationship with you. The supplier(s) are subject to contractual and other legal obligations to preserve the confidentiality of your data and to respect your privacy, and they will only have access to and use the data they need to perform their functions. 
  • Government & law enforcement: We will share your data with government, regulators or law enforcement agencies if, at our sole discretion, we consider that we are legally obliged or authorized to do so.

We do not sell your Personal Information to third parties.

Cookies and automated technology

Automatic Data Collection. In addition to collecting Personal Information, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain statistical (non-identifiable) information about your equipment, browsing actions, and patterns. This includes (i) details about your visits to our website, which may include traffic data and location data, date and time of access, frequency and other communication data; and (ii) information about your computer and internet connection, which may include your IP address, operating system, browser type, and host domain; and (iii) details of referring website actions and patterns.

Cookies. We may collect information from you using a “cookie.” “Cookies” are small bits of data cached or stored on your computer based on your internet activity. They can be placed on your computer both by us as well as by third parties with whom we have a relationship, such as web analytic services and advertising networks. Cookies help us track and understand how individuals use and interact with our website.  At any time, you can disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Each browser is different, so please refer to the specific instructions related to your browser to learn more about cookie-related and other privacy and security settings that may be available to you. Please note, by disabling cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of the services offered by our website.

Data Security

We maintain commercially reasonable security safeguards designed to protect the Personal Information we collect against unauthorized use, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Although we aim to protect the security and integrity of the Personal Information we collect, we cannot guarantee or warrant that any information, during transmission through the Internet or while stored on our system or otherwise in any case, is 100% secure from intrusion by others. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is not secure or that data has been compromised, please immediately notify us.

Changes to this General Privacy Policy

The terms of this General Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We shall publish any material changes to this General Privacy Policy through appropriate notices either on this Website or contacting you using other communication channels.


If you have any questions, comments and/or requests regarding this General Privacy Policy or to exercise your rights with respect to your Personal Information (as applicable), please contact us by email at prime@primepersonnelresources.com or by telephone at 336.226.5100.